We’ve been browsing local small business websites these past few months. We found some beautiful classy ones, some funky animated-boxes-popping-up-everywhere ones, some dodgy broken-link-galore ones… It’s been an educational experience as we look at each one with a critical eye, and you know what? We learned that an effective website isn’t all about fancy design […]
Website Design
Do I need a website?
In a world where Google is god, can my business do well without a website? Well, of course, but a business website can help you do better. A business website is your online presence. It’s a means for your customers to find you wherever they may be. It’s a space where you showcase your offerings, […]
Maya May Creative
Angela May is the founder of Maya May Creative. With solid experience as a stylist and retailer, May initiated several fashion projects including a collaboration collection for an international label, her own collection for commercial export targeted to the younger market and her latest project with an Australian partner IZBA Pty Ltd under the label […]