It was such a joy to see one of our clients finally open her dental practice. We supported Killara Dental through its journey from designing their logo to developing their website. It was a great experience because Killara Dental was one of the first health practitioners we’ve worked with and healthcare is certainly an industry […]
Why and How Marketing Videos can help your Website.
What does it mean to post a high quality video on your website? A lot actually, at least according to the stats. Did you know that approximately 90% consumers say that videos are useful when making decisions about buying homes/using services/purchasing products? Did you know that 30% Australians watch at least one video every week […]
Creativity is Life: A chat with Maya May Fashion Designer
We’re delighted to have Angela May as our guest here today. Angela May is the owner of a small womenswear and kidswear boutique ‘Maya May’. She also runs a fashion portfolio business called ‘Maya May Creative’, catered for showcasing models and artists as well as designers such as herself. Maya May features her collections in […]